Tough Tech Today with Meyen and Miller
Tough Tech Today with Meyen and Miller
Google Maps for gold? AI-Assisted Mine Prospecting is Tough!
In one sentence: When the frontiers of geology overlap with the frontlines of contested regions, international collaborations help protect minerals core to our civilization.
There’s a world of minerals in every electronic device. Anything that cannot be grown must be mined, Emily King tells us. A global mining expert and founder of Prospector Portal, Emily shares stories and advancements in the finding, protecting, and stewarding of minerals.
From digitizing and structuring disparate datasets sourced around the globe, to mobilizing with armed teams to identify and secure minerals critical to humanity’s future, our conversation takes a journey from the rocks beneath us to the rocks above us, where advanced space technologies further our understanding of lunar regolith, Martian soil, and frozen asteroids – as well as the legal and commercial implications of their mining.
Show Notes:
→ Episode page, transcript, and podcast listening links: https://toughtechtoday.com/mine-prospecting/
→ Emily King on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-scott-king/
→ Prospector Portal (company): https://www.prospectorportal.com/
→ On the Rocks (podcast): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/on-the-rocks/id1536817770
→ Watch this show on Youtube: https://youtu.be/mcE96CrNgpo